Membership Structure

Participation in Eureka Idea Co. is negotiated on a case by case basis to arrive at a mutually agreeable situation. We are seeking to build a reliable, respectful, deeply understood and connected community. Integral to this process is trust. To develop your trust in us, and our trust in you, we generally follow a 3 step process.

1. Request a trial membership.
Upon approval you will be granted Affiliate Membership status for a period of 3 months.

2. Participate in the community.
Some things you can do to increase members awareness of your expertise include: Providing input on a proposal; reviewing others work pro-bono; helping create a solution concept notes, creating thought leadership; developing partnerships; and contracting with other consultants.

3. Be invited to become a member.
At the conclusion of your trial membership you will have an interview with one of the equity members. Your involvement in the community, skills, experience and fit with the consortium will be assessed and your participation in the consortium discussed. There are 6 potential outcomes from this discussion :

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